Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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1st - 5th March

Good morning Blackbird and Chaffinch Class.

We hope you've had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine. We've been so proud of the learning you have completed at home so far. It's now our last week of home learning before we go back to schoolsmiley.


We always enjoy seeing you all on our zoom calls. These will remain on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 9am for Blackbird class and 11.30am for Chaffinch class.


Please continue sending us photos of your fantastic work via email or Tapestry. We always love receiving these and it's great to share what you've been up to with your friends too.


Have a super week and keep up the great learning!

Friday 5th March 






Group A

Group B
Group C
Group D
Group E

We're really looking forward to seeing you all next week. We know lots of you will be excited to see your friends and are ready for new and exciting learning and fun at school. We also know it will be a big change and some of you might even feel a little anxious about returning to school and may have questions you would like to ask. 


Please read the following story. It is great to help you think about some of the feelings you may have and may answer some of the questions you have.

Friday Fun

For even more exciting activities to do today and over the weekend, take a look at some of the suggestions in the grid below.


Thursday 4th March





Group A

Group B
Group C

Group D

Please complete Ditty Sheet 28: A Fat Frog.

Group E

World Book Day


Today is world book day!

We would like you to find somewhere cosy at home to enjoy reading your favourite books today.


For an extra challenge, have a go at completing the activity on the poster below.


Wednesday 3rd March





Group A

Group B
Group C

Group D

Please complete Ditty Sheet 27: A Pink Fish.

Group E


World Wildlife Day

Today is World Wildlife Day!


World Wildlife Day is celebrated annually on the 3rd of March in support of animals and plants across the world. We have two different activities for you to complete today:


1. During your daily walk today, look carefully for as many signs of wildlife as you can. Look up high to see the different types of birds. Can you name them? Look under rocks and logs to find different minibeasts. If you are lucky you might even catch a glimpse of other wildlife such as a squirrel or a fox. Let us know what you find and send your photos to us.

2. Play the following quiz to test your wildlife knowledge.


Tuesday 2nd March





Group A

Group B
Group C

Group D

Please complete Ditty Sheet 26: The Bug.

Group E



Staying healthy and being active isn't only great for your physical health and fitness. Experts say it can also improve your mental wellbeing by making you more confident. It can even cause chemical changes in your brain, which help to make your outlook more positive!


Today we would like you to head over to the GoNoodle page and get moving, keep active and becoming more mindful. 
We have previously had lots of fun with these at school and we know you will have lots of fun joining in with them- especially the 'Banana, Banana, Meatball' dance! Click on the link below to begin....

Monday 1st March





Group A

Group B
Group C

Group D

Please complete Ditty Sheet 25: A big black dog.

Group E


This week, we will continue to look at 'kindness' and will begin by reading a story all about a very kind giant who goes out of his way to help others. Click here


Have you gone out of your way to help someone during the lockdown? Perhaps you made a card for a neighbour to cheer them up, helped the grown ups at home by cooking dinner or sent a special picture to a friend. 
Please email a photo/description of your act of kindness to to add to our 'Kindness Tree' at school. 
