Manor Primary School

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Home Learning Pictures

Chaffinch class are continuing to be busy with their home learning. Lately their tasks have included learning about space; creating sea creatures; learning about doubling and halving; drawing their own dinosaur and drawing a portrait of a family member! Keep up the great work!
Chaffinch class have once again been busy with their home learning! They have explored the concept of diffusion by completing the Skittles experiment; designed their own treasure maps; sketched their own New York skyline; explored floating and sinking; practised addition and subtraction; wrote their own verse to Dear Zoo and much more! 
Here are some more pictures of some of the fantastic home learning that is being completed by Chaffinch Class. Since the last update their tasks have included scavenger hunts; filling in missing numbers; investigating floating and sinking; making shape pictures; completing number sentences; growing a rainbow and painting their own version of Van Gogh's Starry Night! It's fantastic to see so much home learning happening and we really appreciate the children's (and parents!) efforts. 
Here's some pictures from the first couple of weeks of home learning. Chaffinch class (and their parents!) have really got on board with the activities that have been set. So far their tasks have included going on a shape hunt; making leaf pictures; writing their own verse of We're Going on a Bear Hunt; creating their own version of paintings by Monet and Van Gogh; helping with jobs around the house and completing number sentences. Some children have even thought of their own activities to do such as Joey who is growing vegetables and Harley who went on a scavenger hunt. Keep up the good work everyone!