Manor Primary School

Making People Successful

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Week 1

Week One (23rd - 27th March)

Friday 27th March


Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. The workout will last 30 minutes and will inspire and energise you to get active, bounce around and have fun! Click here to join in!


Literacy- Share another of your favourite stories with your family. Describe the characters, story settings and events. Complete this sentence in your work books 'I like this book because _________'.


Maths- Write out the following number tracks in your books but fill in the missing numbers.


Understanding the World- Talk about some of the customs and traditions you may have as a family, they may be big or small! e.g. going to church every Sunday, celebrating Diwali or perhaps going to Grandmas house every Friday for a sleepover.


Expressive Arts- Sing and dance along to the following video by the Kidz Bop Kids. Can you match your movements to the music? 


Well done on completing your first week of home learning! Enjoy the weekendsmiley

Thursday 26th March


Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. The workout will last 30 minutes and will inspire and energise you to get active, bounce around and have fun! Click here to join in!


Literacy- Watch Michael Rosen reading his story We're Going on a Bear Hunt Think of your own hunt to go on. You could hunt for a lion, a minibeast or even a gorilla! Write out the verse below that's in italics in your work books and fill in the gaps. See below for Miss Fryer-Saxby's version!


'We're going on a __________ hunt, we're going to catch a __________ one,

What a beautiful day.

We're not scared.

Uh oh, ___________________________________________

We can't go over it, we can't go under it. Oh no we've got to go through it!'


Miss Fryer-Saxby's verse: We're going on a unicorn hunt, we're going to catch a sparkly one.

What a beautiful day. We're not scared.

Uh oh, GLITTER! Sparkly, shiny glitter!

We can't go over it, we can't go under it. Oh no we've got to go through it!'


Maths- Find as many red objects in your room as you can, now find as many green objects as you can. What colour did you find the most of? Add the two groups- how many did you find altogether? Now repeat but using yellow and blue objects. 


Physical Development- Before you go to bed, join in with Jaime from Cosmic Yoga as she goes on a bear hunt! 


EAD- Design a rainbow to display in your window as part of the Rainbow Trail. Parents can click on the following link for more info

See the attachment below for template ideas.

Rainbow Templates

Home Learning

Lots of Chaffinch class are doing so well with their home learning! Here is L with his stickman that he made after reading the story Stickman with his family. R was also busy helping his Mummy with some jobs around the house along with K who was also busy tidying! L also had a good try painting his version of Monet's Waterlily Pond. Keep up the good work everyone!

Wednesday 25th March


Morning everyone! Hope you're all having fun during home learning. Please do drop me an email and let me know how you're getting on 


Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. The workout will last 30 minutes and will inspire and energise you to get active, bounce around and have fun! Click here to join in!


Literacy- Watch the two videos via the link below showing the tricky words that we have been learning in class. Sing along, trying to recognise the words as you see them. Then practise writing the tricky words in your work book.


Maths- Have a look at the attached sheet showing some number sentences. Replacing the story objects with numbers, write out the number sentences in your book and work out the answer. 


PSED- Help your family with a job around the home. E.g. tidying your bedroom, laying the table for dinner or polishing the furniture. 


EAD- Look at the picture by famous artist Claude Monet. Describe the picture, what can you see? Using paint, crayons or felt tip pens, can you create you own version? Upload your pictures to Tapestry or send them to me in an email so I can see your creations!



Physical Development- Enjoy dancing along to the following video. It's one of your favourites from Chaffinch class! 

Tuesday 24th March


Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. The workout will last 30 minutes and will inspire and energise you to get active, bounce around and have fun! Click here to join in!


Literacy- Write your name out 6 times. Can you practise your surname too?


Find 10 objects in your home that start with the initial letter of your name. E.g. if your name starts with A, find 10 objects that start with A.


Maths- Draw around the feet of your family members. Cut them out and place them in order from smallest to biggest.


Find out the ages of your family members, write them down in order from youngest to oldest.


PSED- Write down 5 ways that you can be kind.


Understanding the World- Watch the link showing the story of Stickman by Julia Donaldson. From your garden or when you go out for a walk, collect some sticks and try to make your own stickman. If you can't go for a walk, draw your own stickman in your workbooks. 

Monday 23rd March


Physical Development- Join in with Joe Wicks as he hosts a live workout from 9am. The workout will last 30 minutes and will inspire and energise you to get active, bounce around and have fun! Click here to join in!


Literacy- Share one of your favourite stories from home. Retell the story to one of your family members then draw 3 of the characters in your workbook and label them.


Maths- Practice your number formation and write numbers in order 0-20 in your workbooks. Now write them again but this time counting down from 20-0. 


PSED- Describe how you're feeling today. Ask your family how they are feeling today and why? Draw smiley faces in your workbook to show how everyone is feeling. 


Expressive Arts- Sing 3 of your favourite nursery rhymes using actions!
